Siri New Voices on iPhone & iPad

With apple’s upcoming iOS 14.5, Apple will be able to customize it’s Siri voice. This is becuase iOS and iPadOS now allow users to select a specific male and female voice.

As a part of many new additions to the new iOS 14.5 update, users will be able to choose voice tones from both male and female voice versions. As part of this you can choose from four types of voices for english siri for difference and female voice versions for the rest. Additionally new users setting up the iPhone will now have the opportunity to choose siri with both male and female voice.

Siri new voice additions in iOS 14.5 update

The new update version of 14.5 is currently in the open beta stage. It has not yet announced its plans for apple to release a stable build. Those already in the beta version of iOS 14.5 will have the opportunity to change siri’s voice frequently if they rely on siri on daily basis for their operations.

How to Convert Siri voice on iPhone and iPad

If you are interested in changing siri’s voice frequently on iPhone and iPad then follow the simple steps below.

  • Most importantly first make sure you have iOS 14.5 version on your iPhone or iPad. Currently this new update is only available for iOS beta testers. So you need to be a part of a beta program to download it.
  • Once you have iOS 14.5 installed on your device, select the “siri voice”  option under the siri & settings select and tap on it.
  • You will then get the standard option to siri voice.
  • Tap on each voice option to get a preview of the voice. Once you have select a specific option your iPhone or iPad will download the required voice files in the background.
  • Once this process is complete you can call siri on your iPhone and iPad. It will welcome you with an updated new voice.

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