To edit this project of simple lyrical photo video with animations by using alight motion application. Open alight motion application and click on plus icon and select the ratio 4:5 keep background as Black and click on create project. And that we want to add the audio to the said project for that click on audio and select the song which want to be edit and I will give you a song link in description please download it and add to the said beatmark project by clicking plus icon.

After adding the song we want to add the image for the project project and I will give you image link in description have a look on it and add the image to the project by clicking image and video and select the option image and click on view all and select the downloaded image into the project by clicking plus icon. And drag the image upto where the song is ended. After that we want to add the lyrics to the said project for that previously you can add the lyrics to the notepad which the song to be edited.

Now go back to notepad and copy the lyrics from notepad and paste it to the project by clicking text option and select the option edit text and paste the copied lyrics and click on roboto regular and select the font and I will give you font link in description and import the font into this application and select the font and select the colour which you prefer.

And adjust the lyrics using move and transform and keep the alignment in middle. After that copy copy the layer by using duplicate layer and paste the remaining lyrics in notepad and copy the lyrics and paste it to the said project and the same process will be continued till the end of lyrics can be added in this project.

After that click on effects and click on add effects and select the effect wipe with standard settings and select the start option and add the key ho, and add a key frame in middle and keep it as 100%, and select the option angle and keep it as 16, and select optionsl feather keep it as 7.6, the process of animation is completed.

After that click on layer and copy the effects by clicking three dots and select the option copy effect and paste the effects to remaining lyrics by clicking lyrics and select the option add add effects and select the option and paste the effect to there. And the same process will be continued till the end of the effects to be added to all the lyrics. Now the process of editing will be completed.

Click on export icon and export the video with high quality it may be take some time and automatically added to your gallery. Hope you guys will be like this editing process please support us by visiting our website Thankyou.

All Meterials Links :-

►Kinemastar Preset Link 👇

►Beat Mark project preset :

►Beat Mark XML file LINK :-

►Shake effect Preset LINK 👇

►Shake effect XML LINK 👇

► Video All photo LINK👇

► Song Download Link 🔗

By Santhosh rcf

Hi viewers iam santhosh welcome to our website this website providing Technology, News, Mobiles, Fashion, Online earning related articles And i have also Youtube channel name "Rcf creations Guruji"

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